24 Sep 2023

Gen26 at the Expo for the Sport and Sportcity Day

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Bambini che giocano all'aperto a curling



With two important events in Milano, the path to promoting Olympic and Paralympic values among children through the Education Programme continues

The GEN26 Education Program, promoted by the Fondazione Milano Cortina 2026 to bring young people closer to sport by transmitting its universal values ​​to them, enriched the ninth edition of Expo per lo Sport, the great sports festival for under 14s, and the Milanese edition of Sportcity Day, the event held in September in 140 municipalities throughout Italy.

The great sports festival for under 14s

The ninth edition of Expo per lo Sport took place on Saturday 9 and Sunday 10 September at Sempione Park in Milan, the sporting event designed and created for young people aged 5 to 14. During the weekend, as part of the Education GEN26 program, the Fondazione Milano Cortina 2026 was present with a dedicated area, where girls and boys were able to personally experience curling - the leading discipline of the upcoming Milano Cortina 2026 Winter Olympics and Paralympics - thanks to an inflatable rink made available by the Ice Sports Federation (ESSENTIAL GUIDE TO CURLING).

Bambini che giocano all'aperto a curling

To make the curling experience even more interesting, there were athletes and technicians who shared their history and passion for the sport whose popularity is increasingly growing. Precision, strategy and strength are some of the distinctive features of this discipline which will be present at Milano Cortina 2026 with the men's, women's and mixed doubles competitions. In this event, in Beijing 2022, the Italians Stefania Constantini and Amos Mosaner triumphed.

Thanks to Expo per lo Sport, young people were given the opportunity to try more than 30 disciplines first hand, from the best known to the emerging ones: from tennis to basketball to taekwondo and badminton, also including winter sports.


Sport is a vehicle for aggregation, inclusion and fair play on the pitch and in life

Looking to the future to allow the youth community to get closer to sport and its values ​​is an essential part of the Games project that Milano Cortina 2026 is building. Education, training and sharing are the key words of the initiatives designed under the banner of sport for the school system, with a playful yet functional approach to young people, to transmit sporting values ​​through the direct involvement of the public.

With this vision, the Fondazione Milano Cortina 2026 also took part in the Milanese stage of the "Sportcity Day" event, organised by Terre des Hommes, which for years has worked to promote the protection of children within sport, but also through sport. The meetings were hosted at "Spazio Indifesa", the neighbourhood hub in Via Appennini 50 designed to promote socialisation, cultural exchange and youth empowerment, and where girls and boys can grow their talents and build personal and professional learning paths.

Persone che parlano in un parco

Sports city day

Among the protagonists of the plenaries, the Fondazione Milano Cortina 2026, last September 17, therefore gave voice to the educational project with which the 2026 Olympics and Paralympics wish to leave a legacy to tomorrow's generations by highlighting the importance of the Games and sport as a vehicle of aggregation, inclusion, fair play and respect, from the competition field to everyday life.

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