Poll closed!

Follow us on our website and social media to be updated on the process that will lead us to the Official Mascots of Milano Cortina 2026 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games.


The finalists’ drawings were selected from the many entries made by students of primary school classes from all over Italy who participated in the ideas competition entitled “La scuola per le Mascotte di Milano Cortina 2026”. The initiative, launched by Fondazione Milano Cortina 2026 and the Italian Ministry of Education in June 2021, focused on involving teachers and students in the Road to the Games, encouraging the participation of young people in the spirit of Olympic and Paralympic values. Approximately 400 applications and 1600 project ideas were received, 681 classes took part and 82 institutes collectively authored the graphic designs. A committee of experts helped to decide on the short-listed duos. The choice now passes to the people who, with this poll, can give their input on the schools' proposals.

The pair of stoats was made by the Istituto Comprensivo of Taverna (Catanzaro), the pair of flowers was drawn by the students of the Istituto ComprensivoB. SABIN of Segrate (Milano).

The public vote marks the end of the school involvement phase in the Mascot project. The winning entry will be a source of inspiration for choosing the Olympic and Paralympic duo that will become the iconic symbol of the Milano Cortina 2026 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games and their values worldwide.

All the Fan Team members can vote!