8 Mag 2024

IOC Launches 2024/2025 International Olympic Case Study

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Undergraduate and Master's Students Compete Globally in Strategic Sport Management

IOC launches the 2024/2025 edition of the International Olympic Case Study Competition (CSC). This project which will be organised for the first time in two categories in collaboration with academic partners. One is the CSC for Undergraduate Students, under the academic lead of the European University of Madrid, with the professors Carlos Garcia Martí and Jose Ramón Bonal Sánchez) and the other the CSC for Master’s Students, under the academic lead of the Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz (professor Holger Preuss).


What is the CSC

The CSC consists of teams of students who compete against other teams, first within their own university class, and then against classes from other universities, with which they will be matched. They act as agencies advising an Olympic Movement organisation on topics related to current strategic management challenges in international sport. The topic of this year’s edition is Growing an Olympic sport towards new participants and audiences. 

It's very easy to participate and University professors can use the case study in “regular” classes. In addition, it’s a good opportunity to make an International experience: first rounds can be played in any language, while teams reaching the semi-finals and finals will compete in English against other teams from all around the world. The finalists will be judged by an international panel of IOC/Olympic Movement representatives and professional and academic experts.


How to participate

The deadline for the registrations at the CSC for Undergraduate Students is June 30th, 2024, with a maximum of 16 university classes that will be able to participate). These are playing times: Preliminary round runs from August 15th, 2024 to February 15th, 2025. Round two (semi-finals) will be held from September 1st 2024 to February 15th, 2025, while the third will be held by the end of March 2025.  

There are 3 application deadlines depending on the preferred playing time for the CSC for Master’s Students:  

May 1st 2024 for classes willing to play the preliminary rounds between May and mid-July 2024 

July 22nd 2024, for classes willing to play the preliminary rounds between beginning of September and end of November 2024 

November 15th 2024, for classes willing to play the preliminary rounds between beginning of December 2024 and mid-February 2025 

For this category, the semi-finals will be held from February 24th, to March 7th, 2025 and the finals at the end of March 2025. 

You may find further info at this link 

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