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Möchten Sie Partner der Spiele von Milano Cortina 2026 werden?

Partner/Sponsor der Spiele von Milano Cortina 2026 zu werden bedeutet, einen Wettbewerbsvorteil zu erlangen. Indem Sie die Spiele mit spezifischen Kompetenzen, mit einem finanziellen Beitrag und teilweise mit der Bereitstellung von Know-how, Produkten und/oder Dienstleistungen unterstützen, unterstreichen Sie Ihre Position als exklusiver Protagonist in Ihrer Produkt- bzw. Dienstleistungskategorie.

Campi obbligatori
Fields marked with * are mandatory and are necessary to process your request. Fondazione Milano Cortina 2026 (“Foundation”), as the data controller of the data collected pursuant to EU Regulation No. 679/2016 will send you, by email, a specific non-disclosure agreement (NDA). Once you return the duly signed NDA, you will receive (i) a copy of the document called “Expression of Interest (EOI)”; (ii) a form with which to share information about your company (so-called ‘candidacy form’ - company info, template for business plan based on products and distribution channels, sustainability questionnaire); as well as (iii) a Compliance letter. These documents must also be returned to Foundation, duly signed. For those selected and who will sign a license agreement, the information will be retained in accordance with contractual obligations; while (ii) for those not selected-at least in the first instance-the information will be retained until the start of the Olympic Games. For any information, in more detail, regarding the processing of personal data by the Foundation, please refers to the information notice available at the following link
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