Contact us

Blue background with Milan Cortina 2026 sign

We care about your opinion

Your thoughts matter to us. We are open to new ideas, recommendations, questions and suggestions. Don’t hesitate to contact us. Here is how you can find us depending on your needs.

Piazza Tre Torri 3, 20145, Milan, Italy

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Would you like to experience Milano Cortina 2026 up close? For enthusiasts, institutions and companies, we have just the opportunity for you!


Here are the answers to your questions.

  • When are the Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games Milano Cortina 2026 taking place?

  • Where will the Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games Milano Cortina 2026 be held?

  • How can I join Team26, the Volunteers Programme for Milano Cortina 2026? 

  • How and when can I purchase tickets?

  • How and when can I purchase official Milano Cortina 2026 products?

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Olympic and Paralympic Premium Partners
Olympic and Paralympic Partners
Olympic and Paralympic Sponsors
Official Supporters