The new Italian Spirit

La brand personality

We celebrate a new concept of Italian beauty, a new energy

Timeless and Contemporary

We are ageless

Tamberi and Barshim with masks and medals, standing side by side

Timeless and Contemporary

Young and Resilient

We are ingenious

Tobias Wendl and Tobias Arlt hug each other

Young and Resilient

Positive and Equitable

We are community

sportiva che festeggia

Positive and Equitable

Warm and Passionate

We are authentic

sportiva in gara

Warm and Passionate

Visual Identity

Our graphic system is a reflection of our core qualities - creativity, inventiveness, and problem-solving skills

The distinctive element of the Milano Cortina 2026 Olympic and Paralympic emblems is the number 26, drawn with an unbroken motion on a foggy window. It reveals several different worlds within it, unveiling the dream of a better and more sustainable future through sport.

Finger drawing the Milano Cortina logo


Our colour palette is composed by all the shades that make Italy unique.

il cielo azzurro sullo sfondo e un edificio in mattoni con molte finestre e archi


un piatto nero con un risotto giallo e zafferano


un lampione con due luci davanti a un muro rosso


una porta rosa è aperta in un corridoio buio


un paesaggio di montagne innevate con un cielo viola


un lago circondato da alberi e montagne


Milano Cortina 2026 font

A fast and lively rhythm is provided by a slant at an angle of about 14°, which varies slightly from one letter to the next


Aa Bb

Le mascotte di Milano Cortina corrono per mano insieme ai Flo Tina, Milo ed i Flo


Each initiative has a distinctive visual identity, consistent with the Milano Cortina 2026 brand

Worldwide Olympic and Paralympic Partners
Olympic and Paralympic Premium Partners
Olympic and Paralympic Partners
Olympic and Paralympic Sponsors
Official Supporters