Our Projects

Workers of Milano Cortina 2026 and Carolina Kostner in a selfie with children in a school gymnasium
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Winter Games Milano Cortina 2026

A Better World Through Sport

Milano Cortina 2026 embraces the vision of the Olympic movement and the values of the Paralympic movement
Blending sport with culture and education, our projects seek to create a way of life based on the joy of effort, the educational value of good example, social responsibility and respect for universal fundamental ethical principles.

Education Programme Gen26

Knowledge, lifestyles and expertise. The Games for the younger generations. Our projects are aimed at primary and secondary schools, but also at universities and at those starting out in the working world.

Card con logo Gen26

Cultural Olympiad

We want to enhance the tangible and intangible heritage of Italy in the name of sport. A programme spread across the territory, promoting our cultural and artistic riches and involving young people.

Card con logo Olimpiade Culturale

Our Mascots

Tina, Milo e i Flo su un paesaggio innevato Tina, Milo e i Flo su un paesaggio innevato

Social Wall

Follow @milanocortina2026
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