Legacy, Together

a standing woman performing ski touring at the top of a snowy mountain
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Time left until the Olympic Paralympic
Winter Games Milano Cortina 2026

Pillars of the Legacy

The Legacy of the Games: more exercise for everyone and local sustainable economic development

The Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games Milano Cortina 2026 aim to build a better world through sport, based on two pillars. On the one hand, the Games encourage more people to practice sports and move more, with a particular focus on young people and people with disabilities. On the other hand, they promote local sustainable economic development, fighting depopulation in mountain areas and developing the social economy and knowledge.

Leggi di piu

Leggi di meno

un giovane portiere tiene in mano un pallone da calcio

More exercise for everyone

The younger generations

More sport for the younger generations: this is not just a pillar of the Legacy, but the basic goal of these Games since our candidacy.

People with disabilities

Starting with Adaptive Winter Sport, with our projects, we aim to allow more people with disabilities to practice sports through various projects.

Local sustainable economic development

Fighting depopulation in mountain areas, social development and knowledge: a tangible contribution for our host regions

Investments in the Games must represent a positive legacy for the host cities and regions. Milano Cortina 2026 aims to be a catalyst for development and change: from the creation of infrastructure, to the purchase of goods and services, to the promotion of sustainable tourism, the Games will generate a wide range of new job opportunities.

Fighting depopulation in mountain areas
New jobs due to new or renovated infrastructure, Event Delivery Entities created specifically for the Games and increased tourism.
A positive social impact through sustainable purchases
Directing as many Milano Cortina 2026 purchases as possible to social businesses and micro-enterprises to increase their social impact.
Developing knowledge
Building knowledge by organising university courses for volunteers and Event Delivery Entities.
un gruppo di ragazzi in carrozzina sono seduti intorno a un uomo che tiene in mano un tablet

More movement for all

un bambino sta giocando a hockey su ghiaccio

More movement for all

Veduta delle Dolomiti coperte di neve durante l'inverno a Cortina d'Ampezzo.
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persona anziana sorridente accanto al logo MiCo

Impact 2026

The project, dedicated to social enterprises, micro-enterprises and SMEs to promote sustainable local economic development and leave a legacy in the area.
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Immagine di sfondo blu e verde con il segno di Milano Cortina 2026

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