30 Oct 2023

Bringing Young People Closer to Sport with FICTS

Reading 3min
Una folla di bambini

Collaboration with the Federazione Internazionale Cinéma Télévision Sportifs is being strengthened to promote the values represented by the Games.

The Fondazione Milano Cortina 2026 and the Federazione Internazionale Cinéma Télévision Sportifs (FICTS) strengthen their collaboration to promote the values ​​of Olympic and Paralympic culture, to support initiation into sport and to promote a lifestyle based on movement among young people .  

The Protocol was born from the common desire to conceive, develop and disseminate joint initiatives, intended to develop cultural and sporting projects capable of bringing girls and boys closer to the universal message of which the International Olympic Committee is the spokesperson, through full involvement in FICTS initiatives.


Sports and young people 

In particular, the project with FICTS is part of the GEN26 program of the Fondazione Milano Cortina 2026 to promote the importance of sport, Olympic and Paralympic culture and to involve the new generations in the celebration of the Milano Cortina 2026 Games.

Diana Bianchedi, Chief Strategy Planning & Legacy of the Fondazione Milano Cortina 2026: “Sport has a fundamental role in the lives of young people because it helps them understand the value of sacrifice and dedication. Committing daily to training teaches respect for oneself, for one's teammates and for the coaches. Encouraging sports practice, increasing awareness and culture of sport among young people are some of the objectives of this agreement with FICTS, which aims to leave an important legacy and precious opportunities for girls and boys".

Una folla di bambini

Trophies of Milan

The FICTS President prof. Franco Ascani, member of the IOC Olympic Culture and Heritage Commission and consultant to the Fondazione Milano Cortina 2026 for the dissemination of Olympic Culture: “Given that sport as a “universal heritage” constitutes a tool for the affirmation of human dignity and the development of Olympic values, the Protocol is a milestone for the promotion of sport and for the legacy that derives from it, thanks to the foresight of the Fondazione Milano Cortina 2026 which we thank for having involved national and international historic sporting realities for sport in schools and for the uniqueness of FICTS, under the motto "Culture through Sport". The diffusion of sporting culture develops an educational and training action that allows the new generations to acquire active lifestyles".


The Trophies of Milano Cortina 2026

The synergy between Fondazione Milano Cortina 2026 and FICTS develops on various fronts, starting with Sport Movies & TV – Milano International FICTS Fest, the final of the World Championship of Television, Cinema, Culture and Sports Communication which includes screenings, meetings , exhibitions, with international participants, scheduled in Milan from 7 to 11 November 2023.

The agreement also includes the "Trofei di Milano" (Milan Trophies) project which, with its 60 years of history, opens up to all the areas hosting the Milano Cortina 2026 Games, and becomes "Milano Cortina 2026 Trophies". 

Un gruppo di bambini con la maglia di Milano Cortina 2026

Sport movies FICTS

Chaired by Prof. Franco Ascani - member of the IOC Olympic Culture and Heritage Commission - the FICTS is known for promoting the values ​​of sport through images, it is the only Federation of the cinema and television sector recognised by the International Olympic Committee and represents 130 nations . 

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