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Tina, Milo ed i Flo

Tina e Milo

The Stoats of Milano Cortina 2026

Their names are the diminutives of those of the two host cities: Tina for Cortina and Milo for Milano.


Young, Different, United

Immagine di Tina, la mascotte Olimpica

The Olympic Mascot

Born in the Italian mountains, she is very close to her brother Milo. She loves innovation, dreams of changing the world and does everything to protect nature.

Immagine di Tina, la mascotte Olimpica
Immagine di Milo, la mascotte Paralimpica
Segna MiCo

The Paralympic Mascot

A mountain dweller, he loves building artefacts and exploring nature. Born without a leg, he has learnt to use his tail to walk and to look at obstacles as super trampolines.

Immagine di Milo, la mascotte Paralimpica

The Flo

Six inseparable snowdrops are on a journey with Tina and Milo towards Milano Cortina 2026

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Symbol of the Italian Spirit

Tina and Milo downhill Tina and Milo downhill
Gif Tina e Milo GIF mascot

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