6 Feb 2023

Mascot Proposals by the Schools at Sanremo

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Photos of past mascots

The people will decide. A survey on the children’s proposals for the mascots of the 2026 Olympics and Paralympics will open at the Festival.

Also this year Milano Cortina 2026 returns to the Sanremo Festival to make people protagonists of the Italian Winter Olympics and Paralympics. After the emblem and the official song, on Wednesday 8 February the survey will be launched from the Ariston stage to involve Italy and the world in the choice of another fundamental element of the Games. The public will be asked to give an opinion on the schools' proposals for the Mascots of Milano Cortina 2026.


At the Ariston the schools' ideas for the Mascots 

Amadeus and Gianni Morandi will unveil the finalist drawings of the Ideas Competition "The School for the Mascot of Milano Cortina 2026", launched in February 2022 by the Ministry of Education and Merit together with the Fondazione Milano Cortina 2026. The initiative was aimed at students of primary and secondary schools, both state and private. The participation in the competition involved all Italian regions, involving, in total, 81 provinces. There were about 400 applications and 1600 project ideas received, 681 classes participated and 82 institutes are the collective authors of the graphic works. A participation that directly involved the students in a process that, starting from the principle of mutual collaboration, led to the submission of thousands of ideas. A special Commission has identified the two couples who will be presented to the public on Wednesday evening. An important moment bringing together school, music and sport.


Sanremo 2022, the anthem of Milano Cortina 2026: Fino all’Alba 

For Milano Cortina 2026, the Sanremo Festival is a recurring event. Last year at the Ariston, Arisa and Malika Ayane presented the two finalist songs of the music contest for the new anthem for Milano Cortina 2026.  Fino all'Alba (Until Dawn), played by Arisa and composed by the young members of the musical group "La Cittadina" from San Pietro Seveso won by popular vote. At the 2022 Festival, Amadeus was appointed Ambassador of Milano Cortina 2026.


Sanremo stage photo with Arisa, Malika and Amadeus


Sanremo 2021, the Emblem of Milano Cortina 2026: Futura 

Two years earlier, also in Sanremo, Alberto Tomba and Federica Pellegrini opened the voting for the official emblem of Milano Cortina 2026. The online vote has decreed the success of Futura. Popular participation in designing the 2026 Games is a fundamental element for Milano Cortina 2026 and will be, once again this year, under the banner of the Festival. See you on 8 February. 

Sanremo stage photo with Alberto Tomba, Federica Pellegrini and Amadeus


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