7 Feb 2024

The Official Mascots of Milano Cortina 2026

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Mascot drawing on the Sanremo stage

Their names are Tina and Milo and they are two very lively stoats. Their appearance on stage at the Sanremo Music Festival was unforgettable.

Same stage, a year later. The official mascots of Milano Cortina 2026 have been unveiled in preview at the Sanremo Festival. Last year, from the stage of the Ariston, Amadeus and Gianni Morandi opened the popular poll that called on Italy to give its preference among the pairs of finalist drawings made by schools from all over the country. After long months of development and design, Tina and Milo, the official mascots of the Milan Cortina 2026 Winter Olympics and Paralympics, were born from those designs. Their names come from two of the cities featured in the Games: Milo from Milan and Tina from Cortina.

Photos of the Sanremo stage with the Mascots, Amadeus and the boy who drew the mascots

Two stoat siblings 

The two stoats Tina and Milo are sister and brother and made their triumphant entrance at the Ariston together with two children from the Istituto Comprensivo di Taverna (Catanzaro) who designed them, and the President of the Fondazione Milano Cortina 2026 and CONI Giovanni Malagò. Tina has a light-coloured coat and is the mascot of the 2026 Winter Olympics, she was born in the mountains but also loves living in the city. Milo has a dark-coloured coat and is the Mascot of the 2026 Winter Paralympics. He was born without a leg, but with a little ingenuity and a lot of willpower, he learned to use his tail and overcome every obstacle making his diversity a strength. Stoats, with their liveliness and speed, are the ideal animals to best embody the Italian spirit that guides the Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games in Milan Cortina 2026. Curious by nature, surprising for their ability to change the colour of their fur depending on the season, resilient in adapting to a challenging habitat such as the mountains, they are similar but not identical and have a strong message of inclusion and resilience.


The School for the Mascots of Milano Cortina 2026 

The unveiling of the iconic characters closes a journey that began in 2022 with the "La Scuola per le Mascotte di Milano Cortina 2026" idea competition, launched by Milano Cortina 2026 in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and Merit. The initiative involved students from primary and secondary schools from all over Italy who presented over 1,600 mascot design ideas (a total of 82 schools sent their graphic designs and 681 classes participated). The Committee narrowed down the shortlist to two options, rewarding the creativity of the Sabin Comprehensive Institute of Segrate (Milan) and the Taverna Comprehensive Institute (Catanzaro). The finalist proposals were presented at the Sanremo Festival 2023. Then the floor was passed to the public, who expressed their preference on the Milano Cortina 2026 website. From there, a phase of planning and design began that led to the birth of Tina and Milo.


Tina, Milo & the Flo

In the stages leading up to 2026, Tina and Milo will not be alone: their companions in adventure will be the six little snowdrops: “The Flo”. The flowers, designed in a first phase by the students of the Sabin Comprehensive Institute in Segrate (Milan) and also professionally developed in terms of graphics and design, will be Tina and Milo's best friends in the journey towards Milan Cortina 2026 and will enrich their stories with games, tricks and lots and lots of affection.


A tour of the Milano Cortina 2026

After the presentation in front of the public from all over Italy and after meeting the students of Sanremo, Tina and Milo will leave for their first trip. They will stop in Rome and then they will be the protagonists of a tour of the territories of Milan Cortina 2026 visiting Cortina d'Ampezzo, Brunico, Anterselva-Antholz, Bolzano, Val di Fiemme, Bormio, Livigno and Milano

Follow all updates on @Milanocortina2026 social channels.


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