13 Mar 2023

2026 Mascots: Survey Results

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Photo of a class of children holding drawings

Earning 53% of votes, the stoats designed by the primary school in Taverna won the ideas competition for the mascots of the Games.

Following the presentation of more than 1600 projects from primary and lower secondary schools throughout Italy, the extensive online survey on the two ideas of the Olympic and Paralympic Mascots of the Games selected by a jury of experts was concluded in recent days on the Milano Cortina 2026 website. The initiative, promoted with the fundamental support of the Ministry of Education and Merit, and launched by Amadeus and Gianni Morandi on the stage of the Sanremo Festival, has attracted the involvement of the entire schooling world. Together with their teachers and non-teaching staff, thousands of students and families participated in an unprecedented competition of creativity and enthusiasm for the Italian Winter Games and the Olympic and Paralympic ideals.


The Mascot Ideas Contest

Exactly one year ago, in Beijing, the delivery of the Olympic and Paralympic insignia to the Organising Committee was concluded: an anniversary that allows a first, positive balance of the engagement operation around the pair of characters who will represent the spirit, values and embrace of the world of Milano Cortina 2026.


Flowers or stoats?

The two proposals on the ballot - a pair of sporty stoats and another of surprising mountain flowers - gave life to an exciting digital head-to-head for weeks. In the end, 53% against 47%, the stoats designed by the Istituto Comprensivo di Taverna (CZ) won more votes than the edelweiss and the snowdrop presented by the Istituto Comprensivo Sabin di Segrate (MI). Even if, in terms of participation and commitment, it is fair to say that the unifying force of sport has won, and with it all the participants, it seems significant that the proposal with the greatest consensus comes from a class in the South, therefore outside the territories directly affected by the competitions. To underline that the Games can, and must, excite the whole of Italy.

Now, as part of the selection process, the ideas will be handed over to a team of drawing and animation professionals. Their work will then be presented to the IOC and IPC, the international Olympic and Paralympic committees, before the final announcement. Only then will we see the two official mascots of Milano Cortina 2026. The story continues, stay tuned.

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