4 Mar 2022

Students design the mascots of Milano Cortina 2026

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With the ‘La scuola per la Mascotte di Milano Cortina 2026’ ideas competition, Italian students will play a leading role in the 2026 Winter Games.

Italian schools will star in the 2026 Winter Games. With the "School and Mascots of Milano Cortina 2026" competition for ideas, students will be able to actively participate in designing the mascots for the Olympic and Paralympic winter sporting events that our country will host starting February 6, 2026.

The competition, which is promoted by the Ministry of Education in collaboration with the Milano Cortina 2026 Foundation, is open to participation from public and charter primary and secondary schools throughout the national territory.

The competition will allow teachers to get students involved and, through Olympic and Paralympic values, encourage them to make sustainable decisions inside and outside the classroom, respecting others, the environment, and fair play.

Participating in the competition will therefore be an opportunity to deepen and develop practical and interdisciplinary educational activities to liberate children's creativity and imagination through a broad educational process that is also open to motor and sporting experiences.


How to participate in the Student Contest

Participation is allowed by class or by institute, and educational institutions can submit proposals until 14.00 on March 25, 2022, through the "School and Mascots of Milano Cortina 2026" Competition for Ideas on the Pimer/Monitor platform. Students will participate in designing one or more Olympic and Paralympic mascots. The Regional School Offices will participate in an initial selection phase that will be carried out regionally through a specific working group at each office. It will end with the subsequent selection phase at the national level. In the spring of 2023, a public jury will vote on the finalist proposals. 

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