10 Feb 2023

The winning schools in the Mascot competition

Reading 5min
Photo of flower design

1,000 km apart but united by a single goal: creating proposals for mascots that best embody the values of the Milano Cortina 2026 Olympics and Paralympics.

"The Flowers or the Stoats?" Since Amadeus and Gianni Morandi unveiled the two finalist proposals "The School for the Mascots of Milan Cortina 2026" to the public, thousands of Italians have expressed their preference on our website. The proposals were carried out by two lower secondary schools: the Istituto Comprensivo Sabin in Segrate (MI) and the Istituto Comprensivo di Taverna (CZ). 


Istituto Comprensivo Sabin in Segrate

The students of the Milanese Institute proposed flowers, giving life to the edelweiss and the snowdrop. The students of the Segrate school designed the two small flowers bringing fun, games and happiness. Through overcoming obstacles, they will become an exceptional example of Olympic and Paralympic values and, showing extraordinary resilience, will win colossal challenges to get to the Games


Istituto Comprensivo di Taverna

From the Comprehensive Institute of Taverna, on the other hand, two cute little animals were created, a pair of stoats. In the story imagined by the students, they are a pair of siblings with one idea in mind: the Olympics and Paralympics are for everyone and therefore there is also room for two stoats who have nothing to envy of the other competitors 


The story of the Mascots, watch the video

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