20 Sep 2023

Deloitte Italia Is a Professional Services Partner

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Photo of partner wall with Deloitte nameplate

Deloitte Italia becomes a partner of Milano Cortina 2026 in professional services, contributing to the country’s growth with sustainable, innovative solutions.

The Fondazione Milano Cortina 2026 and Deloitte Italia, partners in the professional services of Milano Cortina 2026, announce that they have signed a four-year partnership intended to mark the path that will lead our country to host the next Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games. The partnership follows the ten-year partnership, already communicated, between Deloitte Global and the International Olympic Committee, which will last until 2032 and will cover five editions of the Games, both summer and winter.


Together for the growth of the country system

Deloitte Italia will support the Fondazione Milano Cortina 2026 in an ambitious and complex project, fundamental and strategic for the whole of Italy. An opportunity that Deloitte Italia has chosen to seize precisely because of its widespread presence throughout the country, in line with the objectives of its network to support the local economy and ‘Made in Italy’. Furthermore, the partnership between Deloitte Italia and the Fondazione Milano Cortina 2026 fully falls within the objectives of Impact for Italy, the program launched by the Deloitte Italia network in January 2020, to contribute to the growth of the country system through sustainable and innovative solutions, adapted to new needs.


Photos of Malagò and Fabio Pompei

Fabio Pompei and Giovanni Malagò

Deloitte Italia is a partner for Professional Services

"As a Partner for Professional Services, Deloitte Italia will support the Fondazione Milano Cortina 2026 in the four-year path that will lead our country to host the Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games, making its professional skills available to successfully face the emerging challenges in the following areas: Games Strategy and Operations, Marketing and Commercial solutions and Games Innovation. The Milano Cortina 2026 event will strengthen the growth and development of our country, consolidating its image at an international level. For these reasons, we have chosen to put our skills at the service of such a complex project, which embodies those universal values ​​that we need today more than ever: excellence, friendship and respect. We must start from here to strengthen, enhance and create a positive impact on society thanks to the Olympic and Paralympic Movement". This was declared by Fabio Pompei, CEO of Deloitte Italia, announcing the "Partnership with purpose" established by the Fondazione Milano Cortina 2026 and Deloitte Italia. 


Strategic and innovative solutions for the 2026 Games

It is a great joy – adds Giovanni Malagò, President of the Fondazione Milano Cortina 2026 and CONIto welcome Deloitte Italia into the family of the Organising Committee of the Milano Cortina 2026 Olympics and Paralympics. The profound experience of Deloitte professionals in management and business consultancy services will allow us to develop strategic, innovative and technologically advanced solutions, a model in response to the great challenges of our time. Deloitte will support us in tackling this wonderful adventure of the Milano Cortina 2026 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games, the largest event that our country will host in the coming years and which will generate a significant positive impact on the entire system".


Photos of the main contact persons of Deloitte and Milan Cortina 2026

Fabio Pompei, CEO of Deloitte Italia, Martina Caironi, Deborah Compagnoni and the President of Milano Cortina 2026 Giovanni Malagò

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