22 Nov 2023

Lombardy: New Funds for Paralympic Sport

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Two Paralympic athletes playing a game of Para ice hockey

Sport as a right for everyone and not a privilege for a few. The call was presented at the Fondazione Milano Cortina 2026 headquarters.

Sport as a right for everyone and not a privilege for a few. From today, a new path begins for the Lombard Paralympic movement which will benefit from further funds aimed at promoting values ​​and sporting practice for all people with disabilities. An important stage towards the next Italian Paralympics 2026, for this reason, a press conference was held today at the headquarters of the Fondazione Milano Cortina 2026 to present the regional resolution which recognises financial contributions to purchase aids and prostheses for people with physical disabilities so they can practise amateur sports. The Undersecretary with responsibility for Sport and Youth of the Lombardy Region, Lara Magoni, a former athlete, has personally supported this provision which she wanted to share today in front of dozens of journalists.


One million euros available to the Lombardy ATS

The measure presented concretely supports amateur physical and sporting activity, allowing people with disabilities to enjoy a profoundly educational and therapeutic experience such as sport. Overall, 947,504 euros are available to the Lombard ATS. The beneficiaries are people, residents of Lombardy, amputees, suffering from paraparesis, paraplegia or tetraparesis, in addition to disabled citizens, aged between 10 and 64, having the functional clinical requirements suitable for accessing the tenders.


The intervention of our athlete Andreon

Today's activity is in line with the Adaptive Winter Games project of the GEN26 Education Program, with which Milano Cortina 2026 intends to offer the Italian Paralympic Committee active support in the organisation of introductory courses in winter sports dedicated to people with disabilities and support for winter sports federations in the training of technicians, coaches and ski instructors.


Lara Magoni and Alessandro Andreoni


In this regard, Para Ice Hockey player Alessandro Andreoni, Marks Approval Specialist of Milano Cortina 2026, also spoke at the conference: "Adaptive Winter Games is a project by the Fondazione Milano Cortina 2026 which aims to promote sports practice for people with disabilities. We collaborate with the Italian Sports Federations and the Italian Paralympic Committee to create events with the aim of promoting our movement. One of the most important objectives of the project concerns the theme of hospitality, that is, giving all children the possibility of being welcomed by any teacher of the different winter disciplines without having to give up practicing sports due to lack of the latter." He finally concluded by saying: "Adaptive Winter Games is a project that is constantly evolving to make up for the shortcomings and difficulties reported to us by the Federations".


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