12 Jul 2024

Milano Cortina 2026 Olympic Torch at Expo 2025 Osaka

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Mario Vattani e Andrea Varnier che firmano l'accordo.

The Torch of the next Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games will be unveiled in April, at the Italian Pavilion, and simultaneously in Milan

A world stage for one of the most iconic symbols in the run-up to the Olympic Games. This unmissable event is scheduled for next April, when Milano Cortina 2026 will unveil the Olympic and Paralympic 2026 Torch, at the Italian Pavilion of Expo 2025 Osaka, and simultaneously in Milan. A unique opportunity to convey the Italian identity in all its rich diversity and uniqueness, in an international and forward-looking context.

"We are very proud to host one of the most significant symbols of the Olympic Games in Osaka: it will be a wonderful opportunity to inspire future generations and bring us closer to our great event", explained Andrea Varnier, CEO of Fondazione Milano Cortina 2026. "The Olympic and Paralympic Torch and the Journey of the Flame unite everyone in the shared values of sport. We are happy to experience such a special moment at the Osaka World Expo, within the Italian Pavilion."

Fondazione Milano Cortina 2026 and the General Commission for Italy at Expo 2025 Osaka have signed a Memorandum of Understanding defining the participation of Milano Cortina 2026 in the next World Expo.

"Sport is an important tool for social development and promotes a healthy lifestyle. It is also a sector that interacts daily with the world of creativity, industry and art", commented Mario Vattani, General Commissioner for Italy at Expo 2025 Osaka. "This agreement represents our commitment to promoting Olympic and Paralympic values at Expo 2025 Osaka."

The Olympic and Paralympic Torch will be presented simultaneously in Milan and Osaka, twin cities since 1981. Expo 2025 Osaka is scheduled to take place in Japan from 13 April to 13 October, on the artificial island of Yumeshima. The theme of the next World Expo is 'Designing Future Society for Our Lives', while that of the Italian Pavilion is 'Art Regenerates Life'.

The Milano Cortina 2026 Games, with the dynamic and vibrant energy typical of the Italian spirit, will fit into this context to encourage future generations to engage in sports and experience them as a way to transform their lives and improve their entire communities. And no other symbol is more iconic than the Olympic and Paralympic Torch to inspire and convey the spirit of the Olympic Games that will return to Italy after twenty years. A land of creativity, beauty and genius, where strength and passion come together to evolve and grow. A Spirit that constantly looks to the future with sensitivity and enthusiasm to inspire people through Sport.

The Torch, first used in the modern Olympics in Berlin 1936, is one of its most quintessential symbols. Its origins date back to Ancient Greece, when a fire was kept burning throughout the entire Olympics celebration period. Since 1960, the Olympic Flame is lit several weeks before the Opening Ceremony.

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