12 Dec 2023

Valtellina Taste of Emotion – Official Supporter

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Photos of the main contact persons of the Valtellina and Milano Cortina 2026 consortium

The Distretto Agroalimentare di Qualità della Valtellina officially supports Milano Cortina 2026: a strong bond between the Games and the territory.

The Fondazione Milano Cortina 2026 and Valtellina Taste of Emotion, the Quality Agri-food District of Valtellina, have announced the start of a collaboration that expresses the sharing of values ​​and objectives in view of the Milano Cortina 2026 Games. The agreement marks the beginning of an exciting journey that will allow the Valtellina area to share its excellence with an international audience, celebrating the union with the most important sporting event in the world.

The Milano Cortina 2026 Winter Olympics and Paralympics will take place respectively from 6 to 22 February 2026 and from 6 to 15 March 2026 and will involve the regions of Lombardy and Veneto and the autonomous provinces of Trento and Bolzano, covering an area of ​​over 22,000 km squared.

With the entry of the Valtellina brand as Official Supporter in the Milano Cortina 2026 team, the enchanting territories, surrounded by the majestic Rhaetian and Orobie Alps, renowned for their scenic beauty, natural biodiversity and food and wine traditions, are preparing to become protagonists on a world stage. The partnership, which strengthens the link between Valtellina and the edition of the most popular Games ever, offers an extraordinary opportunity to raise awareness and enhance Valtellina agri-food as the land in the heart of the Alps which boasts unique products in terms of variety and quality .


Group photo with key representatives of Milano Cortina 2026 and the Valtellina consortium


The food and wine heritage of Valtellina

A century-old culture combined with a solid local tradition and a mountain area dedicated to agriculture constitute the basis of genuine and authentic production. Valtellina Taste of Emotion represents 9 PDO and PGI denominations, for a value of 300 million euros (+3.63% on 2022): we are talking about Bresaola della Valtellina PGI, the PDO Bitto and Valtellina Casera products, the Valtellina Superiore DOCG, the Sforzato di Valtellina DOCG, Rosso di Valtellina DOC and IGT Alpi Retiche, Mela di Valtellina PGI and Pizzoccheri della Valtellina PGI. The effects in terms of related industries are also important, with over 5,200 employed in the 9 traditional sectors.


A unique opportunity for the area

With great enthusiasm we welcome Valtellina Taste of Emotion - commented the CEO of the Fondazione Milano Cortina 2026 Andrea Varnier - The Valtellina Agri-food District represents the profound tradition of a key location for the next Winter Games, whose entry confirms the solid relationship we have with the territories hosting the Winter Olympic and Paralympic disciplines in 2026".


Photo by Andrea Varnier , managing director of Milano Cortina 2026, and Claudio Palladi, president of the Distretto Agroalimentare di Qualità della Valtellina


Considering their international scope, the Milano Cortina 2026 Winter Olympics and Paralympics represent a unique opportunity for growth and visibility for Valtellina” - declared Claudio Palladi, President of the DAQ - “On our part there is a desire to seize this spotlight turned on our territory, presenting ourselves in an integrated manner as a territorial system and synergistically exploiting food and wine together with the other elements that make this area famous, to enhance our excellence through a unique package that is Valtellina itself. The objective is to build a network between local players over the next two years to offer visitors, including international ones, who will follow the 2026 Winter Olympics and Paralympics, an unforgettable experience, in terms of hospitality, activities and typical quality products, which involves the entire province". 

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