14 Dec 2023

Carolina Kostner at Winter Games Week

Reading 5min
Carolina Kostner che pattina

The Italian ice skater has decided to join the Gen26 project to spread the values of sport among young people, including on social media.

How many colours are there in the Olympic flag? What does fair play mean in sport? Do you know all the secrets of figure skating? To find out the answers to all these questions, just ask Carolina Kostner. The Italian figure skating star, bronze medal winner in Sochi 2014, is an Ambassador of Milano Cortina 2026 and has decided to commit herself to spreading the passion for sport and its values ​​to the Gen26, the 2026 Generation who will be the protagonists of the next Winter Olympics and Paralympics.


Carolina Kostner che balla


Towards the Games with Winter Games Week

For this reason, Carolina Kostner has embraced the Winter Games Week project, the initiative promoted by the Ministry of Education and Merit - General Directorate for students, inclusion and school orientation - together with the Fondazione Milano Cortina 2026 to raise awareness among young people on Olympic and Paralympic issues. A schedule of training initiatives and teaching materials that will be made available to teachers with the aim of promoting sports disciplines, physical activity among young people, and the diffusion of Olympic and Paralympic values ​​among students (to find out more and participate in Winter Games Week, see this page.)


Union and respect for the population

The Winter Games Week will take place from 5 to 9 February 2024, but on social media the "lessons of the Olympics and Paralympics" with Carolina Kostner as an exceptional teacher have already begun. On the @milanocortina2026 Instagram profile, the figure skating champion explains the fundamental values ​​of sport and the history of the Games through quizzes and fun facts. A series of periodic events approaching the Winter Games Week, to bring students closer to the Olympic and Paralympic world and bring more sport into schools.

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