14 Jun 2024

Celebrate Olympic Day with Milano Cortina 2026

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Goggia, moioli losanna

#LetsMove: on 23 June you too can become a protagonist of the IOC’s international campaign to get moving and inspire the athletes who will compete at the Paris 2024 Olympic Games


The International Olympic Committee (IOC) has launched its new campaign to celebrate Olympic Day. On 23 June, you too can become a protagonist of this year’s campaign entitled “Let’s Move and Celebrate”, a worldwide initiative inviting everyone to move and get active, while inspiring the athletes who will compete at the Olympic Games Paris 2024. Of course, at Milano Cortina 2026, we’re ready to contribute.


Unleash your creativity 

Anyone can come up with a celebration of any kind: serious, silly, solo or in a group. The only rule is to move your body, have fun and embrace the joy of movement. The next step is to tag the @milanocortina2026 and @olympics accounts on social media and your favourite athlete, using the hashtag #LetsMove: who knows, he or she might see it and decide to borrow your celebration idea at Paris 2024.


The origins of Olympic Day 

Why 23 June? To celebrate the exact day when the International Olympic Committee was founded (23 June 1894) at the Sorbonne in Paris, thanks to Baron Pierre de Coubertin. He wanted to revive the Olympic Games and create a modern version of the sporting competitions that the Ancient Greeks were passionate about. And what better way to celebrate it than with this international initiative, created with the support of the World Health Organization (WHO)?


Message from President Bach 

This was the message from IOC President Thomas Bach to promote the initiative: “Athletes from all corners of the world and backgrounds are getting ready to participate in the Olympic Games Paris 2024. The athletes at the Games will inspire and encourage people everywhere to bring more movement to their lives, making it healthier, better and more joyful. We are very thankful that we could partner up with WHO again for this very important campaign”.


Move and tag Milano Cortina 2026 

It’s time to get active! Follow @milanocortina2026 on Instagram and TikTok and take part in training sessions in preparation for Olympic Day. Three videos with three training sheets that will get you moving like a winter sports athlete. Then, on 23 June, unleash your Italian Spirit! Post your video on social media showing how you celebrate, how you move, how you want to inspire and cheer on the Champions of Paris 2024. We’re waiting for you! Move with us at Milano Cortina 2026 and tag us in your #LetsMove poses. 

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