25 Jan 2024

Gen26 At ITS Academy Turismo Veneto

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Foto delle referenti di Its Academy

A total of 250 students listened to testimonials from the Foundation about organising large events, with a focus on accommodation.

How to manage relationships between stakeholders and partners on the Olympic and Paralympic territories during the organisation of the most important sporting event in the world? This was one of the key themes of the meeting between Anna Cozzolino, Head of Accomodation of the Fondazione Milano Cortina 2026, and the 250 students of ITS Academy Turismo Veneto.

The students of the Institute experienced a significant day of training on Major Events organised as part of the “GEN26 Education Programme” which the Venetian Academy joined last year. The students participating in the advanced training courses of ITS Academy Turismo Veneto followed the in-depth Masterclass to listen to an extraordinary testimony on the theme of Major Events, with a general introduction on the organisation of the Olympics and Paralympics and an in-depth analysis on the issues of 'Accommodation and on the relationships with the main local players involved in this complex sporting event.


foto di un gruppo di ragazzi fuori dalla scuola insieme ai referenti del programma Gen26


GEN26, the Milano Cortina 2026 Education Program

The GEN26 Education Program is the program wanted by the Organising Committee of Milano Cortina 2026 to inspire through the founding values ​​of sport and to share with girls and boys the path towards the next Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games of Milano Cortina 2026. The GEN26 Education Program includes a series of specific training projects that aim to leave a lasting legacy to the youngest, the 2026 Generation, the future protagonists of the Games. Some of the lessons of the ITS Academy Turismo Veneto Masters will be held by the managers of the Fondazione Milano Cortina 2026.

The Olympics and Paralympics can provide young people with opportunities and work experiences and with the Education Program GEN26, Milano Cortina 2026, the aim is to raise awareness of the reality of organising sporting events of international importance, enhancing the work dimension and professional opportunities, while at the same time bringing students closer to the sports sector. Girls and boys who undertake the post-diploma technical specialisation path will have the opportunity to get to know a sector that requires a varied platform of skills.

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