3 Feb 2024

The Games Arrive in Schools in February

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Sfondo standard di Gen26

In collaboration with the Ministry of Education and Merit, CONI and CIP, Fondazione Milano Cortina 2026 presents ‘Winter Games Week’.

The Fondazione Milano Cortina 2026 in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and Merit, the Italian National Olympic Committee and the Italian Paralympic Committee, presents "Winter Games Week", the educational week with a focus on sport, to raise awareness of the issues Olympic and Paralympic Games and to promote the educational principles of sport as a means of growth and individual and collective expression. The project aims to inspire new generations and promote the practice of sport and the development of new skills, encourage healthier and more active lifestyles, disseminate the values ​​of the Olympic and Paralympic Games in view of the Milano Cortina 2026 Games.


An initiative that involves 231,125 students

“Winter Games Week is an initiative open to schools across the country – declared Diana Bianchedi, Chief of Strategic Planning and Legacy of Milano Cortina 2026 – which makes the girls and boys of our school system protagonists and aims to leave new generations, a legacy that is rooted in sporting and cultural values, respect and cohesion, which are typical of the Olympic and Paralympic Games". The "Winter Games Week", scheduled for the week from 5 to 9 February 2024, which celebrates "2 years" to the Opening Ceremony of the Milano Cortina 2026 Olympics, scheduled for 6 February 2026, will see 231,125 people involved including students from 720 institutions throughout Italy.


A game without barriers

Those who have registered for the Winter Games Week will receive educational materials and advice for organising their day and enhancing the features of their region. Sport will be at the centre of the educational action of the projects and will be expressed in different forms, primarily with physical activity, but also enhancing the link with other school subjects, such as art, music, science and history. The students will be the protagonists of a path of knowledge and in-depth study that will focus on the themes of inclusiveness, and will involve them in moments that will highlight the principles of equality, respect and loyalty: a game without differences and without barriers. “Winter Games Week” is part of the GEN26 Education Program of the Fondazione Milano Cortina 2026, which involves schools across the country for a reflection on the theme of sport for all.

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