6 Oct 2023

Work Begins on the Murals for the Games in Milan

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Foto di un gruppo di bambini mentre guardano il murales
Cultural Olympiad

The works painted by 20 Italian street artists on the walls of the next Olympic and Paralympic village represent the universal values of the Games.

Less than 900 days before the start of the Milano Cortina 2026 Olympic and Paralympic Games, the Olympic Village in Milan where the athletes will stay is starting to take shape. The area of ​​interest is the former Porta Romana railway yard, between Via Ripamonti and Corso Lodi. The Olympic and Paralympic Village represents one of the many social assets that Milano Cortina 2026 will give to the city and Italy. Once the games are over, the former Porta Romana airport will be transformed into a dormitory for university students, offering around 1,700 beds which are well connected to the city and neighbouring provinces thanks to the geographical location of the area. 


The mural representing the values ​​of the Olympic Games

A work of street art was created along the entire perimeter of the Village by 20 artists chosen by Brand for the City - an innovative project based on urban regeneration. The Mural, created by the artists over the course of three days, is made up of 20 sections, one for each artist, in which each of them created the work that best represented the values ​​of sport from their point of view: Inclusivity, Determination, Resilience, Courage, Freedom, Solidarity, Equality.  The athletes - and then the students - will therefore be surrounded by an open-air work of art. The Mural is one of the many examples of what the Winter Olympics and Paralympics represent for our country: a rooting in values, and a strong look towards our social and cultural future, a legacy for future generations.


Foto di un gruppo di bambini mentre guardano il murales
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