
Stefania Constantini of Team Italy competes against Team Sweden during the Mixed Doubles Semi-final on Day 3 of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics at National Aquatics Centre on February 07, 2022 in Beijing, China.
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Time left until the Olympic Paralympic
Winter Games Milano Cortina 2026



The first curling club was founded in Scotland in 1716. In Italy, the Italian Ice Sports Federation (FISG) recognized curling as a sport in 1953. As we look forward to Milano Cortina 2026, here is everything you need to know about this sport.



The competitions at Milano Cortina will consist of 3 events. The matches will be held in Cortina d’Ampezzo.

  • Men's Event
  • Women's Event
  • Mixed Doubles


Picture of Cortina d'Ampezzo. Click on the image to discover more about the area.
Cortina D'Ampezzo

Olympic History

It debuted at the 1924 Olympic Games in Chamonix with only the men's event, and later appeared as a demonstration event at Lake Placid in 1932, Calgary in 1988 and Albertville in 1992. It officially returned at Nagano in 1998, featuring both men's and women's events. The mixed doubles were introduced at Pyeongchang in 2018.

Basic Rules

The game consists of 10 rounds called ‘ends’. Each team plays 8 stones per end and the final score is determined when all 16 stones have been thrown. A team can have one or more stones close to the centre of the ‘house’, thus scoring one or more points for each end. The team with the most points at the end of the ends wins. In the event of a tie, an extra definitive end is played to determine the winner. In the mixed doubles, there are 8 ends and each team can throw 5 stones per end.

For indoor tournaments, the surface of the ice is sprinkled with water droplets (pebbles) that freeze into small bumps on the surface. Called "pebble ice," this surface helps the stone grip and leads to smoother curling.

Curiosities about Italian Champions

In the mixed doubles tournament in Beijing 2022, the Italian pair Stefania Constantini and Amos Mosaner gave Italy its first Olympic medal in history: a legendary gold.


Here are the answers to your questions.

  • Who is the male icon of curling at the Olympic Games?

  • Who is the female icon of curling at the Olympic Games?

  • Which are the most medaled nations at the Olympic Games?


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