Winter Games Week

a boy and a girl are playing basketball on a court

The Olympics and Paralympics in the classroom

A week of teaching and sports activities inspired by Olympic and Paralympic values

A week of teaching and sports activities inspired by Olympic and Paralympic values in Italian schools. Winter Games Week is an initiative promoted by the Italian Ministry of Education and Merit – Director General for Students, Inclusion and Orientation – together with the Milano Cortina 2026 Foundation to raise young people’s awareness about the Olympics and Paralympics on the road to the 2026 Winter Games in Italy.

This country-wide initiative aims to turn students who are still studying in 2026 into key players, allowing them to attend — if not even participate in — the Winter Olympics and Paralympics with greater awareness of the values of sports, culture, respect, civic duty, sustainability and cohesion relating to the events.

Those who register for Winter Games Week will receive teaching material and advice for organising sessions to promote sports and exercise among young people and spread Olympic and Paralympic values among students. The first edition of Winter Games Week was held from 5 to 9 February 2024, involving 231,125 students from 720 communities around Italy.

Un atleta firma autografi ad un gruppo di bambini e ragazzi

Athlete C.Kostner is the face of the first edition of Winter Games Week

Tre donne fanno un selfie con un gruppo di ragazzi

All student classes gathered with athlete C.Kostner at the first edition of Winter Games Week

Una persona è in piedi in mezzo ad un gruppo di bambini in una palestra

Athlete V.Marchei at the first edition of Winter Games Week

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Here are the answers to your questions.

  • When are the Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games Milano Cortina 2026 taking place?

  • Where will the Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games Milano Cortina 2026 be held?

  • How can I join Team26, the Volunteers Programme for Milano Cortina 2026? 

  • How and when can I purchase tickets?

  • When and where can I buy official Milano Cortina 2026 merchandise?

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