Information Notice on the processing of personal data

Blue background with Milan Cortina 2026 sign

Information Notice on the processing of personal data as part of the Fan26

Fondazione Milano Cortina 2026, with registered office in Piazza Tre Torri 3 in Milan, C.F. 97866790153, P.IVA 11199200962, as data controller ("Data Controller" or "Milano Cortina 2026"), pursuant to EU Regulation 2016/679 ("GDPR") and the applicable national data protection legislation, hereby informs you that by registering with Fan26 certain information is transmitted and/or shared with the Data Controller which represents your personal data ("Data" or "Personal Data") in accordance with GDPR.

In the case that you already registered as a member, you are receiving this information because Milano Cortina 2026 has made some changes to the initiative; in particular, if you are "already a FanTeam member", we hereby invite to please read carefully paragraph 9 "Transitional rules from FanTeam to Fan26" of the Terms&Conditions available here

Milano Cortina 2026 has appointed its own Data Protection Officer ('DPO') who can be contacted by e-mail at

1. Object of processing

The Data Controller processes the following Personal Data:

  • identification and contact data (such as, for example, first name, last name, date and place of birth, gender, social security number and e-mail address) provided at the time of the Fan26 application. As stated in the Terms&Conditions, in order to access Fan26 you need to create your Olympic ID via the link available at the following link []. In tale pagina sono altresì disponibili informazioni di dettaglio circa il trattamento dei dati personali effettuato congiuntamente dal Comitato Olimpico Internazionale (“IOC”) e da Milano Cortina 2026 rispetto alla gestione dell’utenza. Nell’ambito di tale trattamento, IOC e Milano Cortina 2026 agiranno quali contitolari del trattamento, avendo sottoscritto uno specifico accordo ai sensi dell’art. 26 del GDPR;
  • dati legati a Tue preferenze e interessi quali, ad esempio, informazioni circa: pratiche sportive da Te preferite, eventi e iniziative di interesse, adesione alle promozioni, nonché circa il Tuo comportamento online sui siti web del Titolare. Questi dati possono essere raccolti anche per mezzo di cookie e analoghi strumenti di tracciamento. Per il trattamento effettuato tramite tali ultimi strumenti si rinvia all’Informativa c.d. “Cookie Policy”

2. Purpose and legal basis of processing

On the basis of specific lawfulness conditions, your Personal Data are processed for the purposes set out below.

1. Without your prior consent:

  • for the management of the Fan26 membership and the provision of related services made available at the discretion of the Data Controller and dedicated to Fan26 members (e.g. possible invitations to express one's preferences in the context of initiatives periodically proposed by Milano Cortina 2026, sending of "institutional" communications regarding the organisation of the Milano Cortina 2026 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games). In particular, the Fan26 may (i) receive so-called "institutional" communications, i.e. communications relating to the organisation of the Milan Cortina 2026 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games (so-called light account) and (ii) access, on a voluntary basis, a dedicated section of Fan26 available at to have access to content and updates on the next Olympic Games;
  • for the fulfilment of legal obligations (e.g. verification of the age of the applicant for registration, who shall not be under 14 years of age), regulations, EU rules, orders, and prescriptions of the competent authorities;
  • in order to satisfy the legitimate interest of the Data Controller in the prevention of fraud and unlawful activities, as well as the exercise of rights and the protection of interests of the Data Controller (e.g. Milano Cortina 2026’s right of defence before courts);

2. Subject to your consent, data will be processed for:

  • sending you communications - via digital communication channels, such as e-mail, advertising programs, Milano Cortina 2026's website, Social Media - related to ticket sales for the Olympic and Paralympic Games; hospitality services; programme to become a volunteer or torchbearer for the Games; Fan26 community initiatives; official products and, in general, to all other Milano Cortina 2026 initiatives;
  • analysing, also in an automated way, your preferences, interests (e.g. sports practices, events and initiatives of interest, adhesion to promotions, etc.), and online behaviour (therefore, the use of tracking tools is envisaged) and proposing personalised services, initiatives, and promotions through digital communication channels, such as e-mail, advertising programs, Milano Cortina 2026’ website, Social Media;
  • communicating your data to the International Olympic Committee (IOC), the International Paralympic Committee (IPC) and/or other third parties, in order to involve you in the Olympic Games, Paralympic Games and the Olympic Movement through generic or personalised communications according to the purposes and methods more fully described in the information notice of each of the above-mentioned subjects (privacy policy available at the link With respect to the processing of the information received, each of these subjects will act as an autonomous data controller within the meaning of the GDPR.

3. Modalities of processing and profiling

Processing may take place with or without the use of electronic means. In particular, some of your information will be shared with IOC, which supports the Data Controller in order to provide greater security to the management of the technological infrastructure and the processing of your Data. Personal Data is therefore protected in a way that minimises the risk of destruction, loss (including accidental loss), unauthorised access/use, or use incompatible with the original purpose of the collection. This protection is achieved by the technical and organisational security measures implemented by the Data Controller.

With regard to profiling, information is processed in order to carry out a classification based on the preferences expressed in the manner described in the information notice available at the following link

4. Data Retention

The Data Controller processes Personal Data for the time necessary to fulfil the above purposes and, in any case, according to statutory limitations period, not beyond:

  • with reference to the acceptance of the Fan26 Terms&Conditions, 1 year from the closing date of the Milan Cortina 2026 Paralympic Winter Games;
  • with reference to the data processed for marketing purposes, including the profiling of the data subject, in the absence of revocation of consent, 2 years starting from the time of collection and, in any case, no later than the closure of the Paralympic Winter Games of Milan Cortina 2026;
  • for any polls, the relevant data will only be kept until the completion of the voting process.

In the event of consent to disclose Personal Data to the IOC and/or IPC and/or other third parties, such Personal Data will be disclosed on a one-off basis and retained by such parties for the time specified in their respective privacy policies.

5. Conferimento dei dati

Il conferimento dei Dati Personali per le finalità di cui al paragrafo 2.1. è indispensabile e dunque, in assenza, non potrai procedere all’iscrizione al Fan26.

Il conferimento dei Dati Personali per le  finalità indicate al paragrafo 2.2 è, invece, facoltativo e dunque l’eventuale mancata prestazione dei relativi consensi non pregiudica la Tua iscrizione al Fan26.

6. Data Access

Personal Data may be made accessible for the purposes set out in paragraph 2 to: (i) employees and/or collaborators of the Data Controller, in their capacity as persons authorised to process and/or system administrators, duly trained and obliged to comply with confidentiality obligations, and (ii) third parties, service providers for Milano Cortina 2026 (e.g. IT assistance and consultancy companies as well as software and/or Internet site design and implementation companies) who, as data processors, have signed specific agreements relating to the processing of Personal Data.

7. Data Communication

Personal Data may be disclosed, upon express request, to control bodies, law enforcement agencies, or prosecution authorities who will process it as autonomous data controllers. In addition, subject to your express consent, your Personal Data may be disclosed to third parties (including IOC) for the purposes indicated in paragraph 2.2 above.

8. Data Transfer

The Data Controller may transfer Personal Data outside the European Union. In this case, the most appropriate instruments and safeguards identified by law and the competent bodies pursuant to and in accordance with the provisions of Chapter V of the GDPR apply. Where you have given your consent to do so, Personal Data disclosed to IOC will, for example, be transferred to Switzerland, a country whose legislation has been deemed adequate in relation to European legislation by a specific decision adopted by the European Commission.  

9. Rights of the data subject

In the cases provided for, you have the right to obtain access to, rectification, erasure, and portability of your Personal Data, as well as restriction of the processing of your Personal Data (Art. 15 et seq. GDPR). Moreover, where the processing is based on your consent, you may revoke it at any time. You may exercise these rights by sending an e-mail to You can also write to the same e-mail address if you decide that you no longer wish to be a member of Fan26: in such case, you will no longer be able to receive so-called institutional communications (see point 2.1).

Should you consider that the processing carried out is in breach of the provisions of the GDPR, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Italian Data Protection Authority, according to the modalities provided for by the Authority itself (art. 77 of the GDPR), or to take legal action (art. 79 of the GDPR).

You will be able to request any detailed information regarding the joint-controller agreement by contacting either Milano Cortina 2026 or the IOC. Should you then decide to delete your Olympic ID (see paragraph 1 of this information notice), you may contact Milano Cortina 2026 by sending an e-mail to, or alternatively to IOC, by connecting to the portal that can be reached at the following link IOC's dedicated portal.


Date last updated: 19/04/2024

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